5 Things I Wish Every Client Knew
The start of a new school year often means many new clients, bringing new excitement and new challenges. As I get to know these children...

Recipe Roundup: Back to School Edition
August is absolutely flying by, and most schools have already started here in Chicago! If you missed my previous back to school posts,...

Gadgets and Gear for the New School Year
We are one week closer to school starting, and that means getting your child ready with all the latest gadgets and gizmos to make them...

Back to School: Easing the Transition for Children with ASD
It is August already, and you know what that means… back to school! Going back to school can bring a lot of mixed emotions for children...

Gotta Catch 'Em All: Using Pokémon to Work on Social/Emotional Skills in ASD
I am an adult woman who, in full disclosure, has no interest in playing video games. But I am ADDICTED to Pokémon Go! In my house, we...

Just Keep Swimming: A Therapist's Take on Finding Dory
Hopefully by now most of you have seen Finding Dory. If you have not, I highly suggest it! And I will try not to place too many spoilers...

I Got this Feeling, Inside my Bones
I cannot believe it is already the final week of the Broadway themed Music Therapy intervention series! It has been such a blast sharing...

Express Yourself!
I cannot believe July is already in full-swing and this is the fourth post in the Broadway Music Therapy interventions series! If you...

Let's Get Motor/Physical
Welcome back to part three of the musical theater inspired series! If you missed parts one and two, make sure to check them out before or...

The Brain, The Brain, The Center of the Chain
I hope you enjoyed the first blog post in our Broadway series! If you missed the interventions focused on speech and language skills, you...