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Music Therapy and Sensory Regulation

The Dynamic Difference

Music is an inherently sensory experience! Music activates the auditory, visual, and tactile sensory systems during instrument play. When paired with sensorimotor props such as scarves, parachute, stretchy band or bean bags, music can be used to support proprioceptive and vestibular input. 


Music provides opportunities for sensory integration and regulation in an organic way through an engaging, accessible medium. Our therapy team is trained in diverse strategies to support the sensory needs of each individual that comes through our doors.

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Who Do We Support?

Music is a powerful tool for sensory seekers and sensory avoiders alike as we focus on the integration of sensory systems through our unique therapeutic approach. Our therapists are trained to observe behaviors and implement evidence-based strategies to support the diverse sensory needs of each client we see. Our goal at Dynamic Lynks is to find sensory strategies, through music, that help our clients access their brain and body to experience the world in a way that is effective and enjoyable for them. The goal is always optimizing the sensory system and not desensitizing, helping our clients build their levels of play, social interaction, and more!

Rhythm and

Our therapists assess each client's sensorimotor speed and use rhythm to match where they are to assist them in down regulating or up regulating to where they can learn & engage most effectively.

We use a variety of instruments and sensory tools to find the best strategies and therapeutic supports for each client.


Music is used to initiate, sustain, and inhibit sensorimotor movements so individuals can have better control over the body they live in.

Cognitive Motor

A steady, rhythmic beat helps the body integrate sensory information into the brain more effectively, and for a longer duration of time.


Music Therapy and Sensorimotor Skills

In addition to sensory regulation and integration, music therapy can support the sensorimotor needs of children and adults. Music and movement go hand-in-hand. It is a natural physical response to move with music and our therapists are trained in the research behind why and how to make that happen.


Music aids in rhythmic entrainment and helps individuals with fine and gross motor needs to better initiate and sustain motor movements. Our team at Dynamic Lynks uses a variety of therapeutic music experiences, paired with instrument play, to support critical fine and gross motor skill development.

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Explore Therapy at Dynamic Lynks

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